For the most part, you could probably survive in Japan without actually knowing any Japanese, especially if you are doing a guided tour of Japan. Most of the signs have English translations, and many of the train stations have announcements in English as well as Japanese. However, I think that your trip overall is a lot less stressful if you know at least some basics in Japanese. Check out my list of recommended survival Japanese phrases for travel in Japan!

Jump To:
- Greetings
- Being Polite
- Answers
- Introductions
- Directions
- Transportation
- Numbers
- Shopping
- Restaurants
- Conversation
- Other useful phrases
Greetings are essentials. You’ll likely hear at least one of these during any conversation you have.
Japanese – Hiragana | Japanese – Roman Characters | English |
こんにちは | Konnichiwa | “Good afternoon” or general “hello” |
おはようございます | Ohayou Gozaimasu | “Good morning” |
こんばんは | Konbanwa | “Good evening” |
いらっしゃいませ | Irasshaimase | “Welcome!” (Typically shouted by store attendants and waitresses when walking in shops and restaurants.) |
Being Polite
Being polite is huge in Japan, and it reflects in the language. Knowing these will and using them often will go a long way with native Japanese.
Japanese – Hiragana | Japanese – Roman Characters | English |
ありがとうございます | Arigatou gozaimasu | “Thank you” |
すみません | Sumimasen | “Excuse me” |
ごめんなさい | Gomen nasai | “I’m sorry” |
You can give a more informal “thanks” by dropping the “gozaimasu” and just saying “arigatou.” The same goes for “I’m sorry.” Dropping the “nasai” and just saying “gomen” makes it more informal. However, you are better off erring on the side of politeness and formality by saying the full “arigatou gozaimasu” and “gomen nasai.”
This is pretty self-explanatory. If you are asked a question, you’ll want to be able to give a basic answer.
Japanese – Hiragana | Japanese – Roman Characters | English |
はい | Hai | “Yes” |
いいえ | Iie | “No” |
I wouldn’t considered introductions to be absolutely essential Japanese phrases for travel, as most scenarios likely won’t require you to actually introduce yourself. However, if you are looking to make some basic conversation with the locals and maybe even make a new friend, it might be worth knowing simple introductions.
Japanese – Hiragana | Japanese – Roman Characters | English |
私の名前はNAMEです | Watashi no namae wa [name] desu | “My name is [name]” |
お名前は何ですか | Onamae wa nan desu ka? | “What’s your name?” |
初めまして | Hajimemashite | “It’s nice to meet you” |
ご出身はどちらですか? | Goshusshin wa dochira desu ka? | “Where are you from?” |
私はPLACEからです | Watashi wa [place] kara desu | “I am from [place]” |
Asking for directions is probably one of the most common situations you’ll find yourself in, and unfortunately also one of the most difficult. Depending on why you are trying to go, the other person’s answer could be one word, or it could be three sentences. Even if you can’t understand the other person’s full response, knowing basic directional words should help you comprehend the gist of it.
Japanese – Hiragana | Japanese – Roman Characters | English |
PLACEに行きたいです | [Place] ni ikitai desu | “I want to go to [place].” (For example, I want to go to Shinjuku station would be, “Shinjuku eki ni ikitai desu.”) |
PLACEはどこですか? | [Place] wa doko desu ka? | “Where is [place]?” (For example, where is the restroom would be, “toire wa doko desu ka?”) |
まっすぐ | Massugu | “Go straight” or “continue forward” |
右 | Migi | “Right” |
左 | Hidari | “Left” |
For the most part, you’ll find that many trains and signs have English translations after the Japanese. However, there may be rare occasions (especially if you get outside the big cities) where there are no English translations. Plus transportation often comes up when asking for directions. So, I highly recommend you commit these basic travel Japanese phrases to memory, or at least have them easily available for reference.
Japanese – Hiragana | Japanese – Roman Characters | English |
電車 | Denshya | “Train” |
地下鉄 | Chikatetsu | “Subway” |
駅 | Eki | “Train station” |
バス | Basu | “Bus” |
バス停 | Basutei | “Bus stop” |
普通 | Futsuu | “Local train” |
快速 | Kaisoku | “Rapid” or “Semi-express train” |
急行 | Kyuukou | “Express train” |
特急 | Tokkyuu | “Limited Express” |
この(電車/バス)はPLACEに行きますか? | Kono [denshya/basu] wa [place] ni ikimasu ka? | “Does this [train/bus] go to [place]?” (For example, does this train go to Asakusa station would be, “Kono denshya wa asakusa eki ni ikimasu ka?”) |
Numbers are especially useful Japanese phrases when traveling, as you’ll likely hear them any time you go shopping. When you check out at the counter, the attendant will tell you how much you owe. In many cases, the cash register will show the numeric number you owe, but just in case it doesn’t, you’ll need to know how much you owe in order to know what cash to give them.
For this reason, I also recommend knowing more than just the basic on through ten. Even the cheapest items in Japan are ¥100. Most things like meals will be closer to ¥2,000. You’ll need to know how to say things like one hundred and one thousand.
Japanese – Hiragana | Japanese – Roman Characters | English |
一 | Ichi | “One” |
二 | Ni | “Two” |
三 | San | “Three” |
四 | Yon | “Four” |
五 | Go | “Five” |
六 | Roku | “Six” |
七 | Nana | “Seven” |
八 | Hachi | “Eigh”t |
九 | Kyuu | “Nine” |
十 | Juu | “Ten” |
十一 | Juu ichi | “Eleven” |
十二 | Juu ni | “Twelve” |
十三 | Juu san | “Thirteen” |
… | … | … |
二十 | Ni juu | “Twenty” |
三十 | San juu | “Thirty” |
四十 | Yon juu | “Forty” |
… | … | … |
九十九 | Kyuu juu kyuu | “Ninety-nine” |
百 | Hyaku | “One Hundred” |
二百 | Ni hyaku | “Two Hundred” |
三百 | San byaku | “Three Hundred” |
四百 | Yon hyaku | “Four Hundred” |
六百 | Roppyaku | “Six Hundred” |
八百 | Happyaku | “Eight Hundred” |
*Note that 300, 600, and 800 have irregular pronunciations. Try and say “Hachi hyaku.” Not easy to say, is it? As you get into the higher Japanese numbers, you’ll begin to notice a pattern that the pronunciation of certain numbers has been slightly changed to make them easier to say.
Japanese – Hiragana | Japanese – Roman Characters | English |
千 | Sen | “One Thousand” |
二千 | Ni sen | “Two Thousand” |
三千 | San zen | “Three Thousand” |
四千 | Yon sen | “Four Thousand” |
八千 | Hassen | “Eight Thousand” |
万 | Man | “Ten Thousand” |
二万 | Ni man | “Twenty Thousand” |
*Note that 3,000 and 8,000 have irregular pronunciations.
Many stores will display the price of the various items for sale. However, on occasion (especially at smaller shops or for unusual items), the price might not be immediately visible. If that’s the case you can ask an attendant how much an item is. Also, you can indicate to the attendant that you have decided to buy something.
Japanese – Hiragana | Japanese – Roman Characters | English |
(これは)いくらですか? | (Kore wa) ikura desu ka? | “How much is this?” (The “Kore wa” means “this.” If it is obvious, you can omit it and just say “ikura desu ka?”) |
これをください | Kore o kudasai | “I’ll take this” |
Aside from transportation, probably some of the most useful Japanese phrases for travel are food related. If you plan on eating at some restaurants while in Japan, you’ll likely be asked how many people are in your group, and if you want a smoking or non-smoking section. Depending on the restaurant, you may also be asked whether you want to take out or dine in.
Japanese – Hiragana | Japanese – Roman Characters | English |
こちらでめしあがりますか?お持ち帰りですか? | Kochira de meshiagarimasu ka, omochikaeri desu ka? | “Will you eat here or take out?” |
てんないで | Tennai de | “I’m eating here” |
持ち帰りで | Mochikaeri de | “I’m taking this to go” |
何名様ですか? | Nan mei sama desu ka? | “How many people?” |
禁煙お願いします | Kinen onegaishimasu | “Non-smoking table please” |
喫煙お願いします | Kitsuenseki onegaishimasu | “Smoking table please” |
こちらへどうぞ | Kochira e douzo | “Please sit here” |
英語のメニューがありますか? | Eigo no menyuu ga arimasu ka? | “Do you have an English menu?” |
ベジタリアン メニュー はありますか? | Bejitarian menyuu wa arimasu ka? | “Do you have a vegetarian menu?” |
ITEMにアレルギーがあります | [Food item] ni arerugi ga arimasu | “I am allergic to [food item]” |
ITEMおねがいします | [Menu item] onegaishimasu | “I’ll have [menu item]” |
おすすめは何ですか? | Osusume wa nan desu ka? | “What do you recommend?” |
ごちそうさまでした | Gochisousama deshita | “Thanks for the food” (Typically said after you’ve finished eating) |
Learning a foreign language is hard. Actually using it in conversation is even harder. Most Japanese will be super appreciative that you made the effort to learn their language. Don’t be afraid to ask for a little assistance if you get stuck.
Japanese – Hiragana | Japanese – Roman Characters | English |
日本語をわかりません | Nihongo o wakarimasen | “I don’t understand Japanese” |
わかりません | Wakarimasen | “I don’t understand” |
もう一度おねがいします | Mou ichido onegaishimasu | “Can you repeat that?” (Literally translates to “one more time please”) |
ゆっくり話してください | Yukkuri hanashi te kudasai | “Can you please speak slower” |
英語が話せますか? | Eigo ga hanasemasu ka? | “Can you speak English?” |
Other useful phrases
Depending on the situation, you may also find these Japanese travel phrases useful as well.
Japanese – Hiragana | Japanese – Roman Characters | English |
トイレはどこですか? | Toire wa doko desu ka? | “Where is the restroom?” |
気分が悪いです | Kibun warui desu | “I don’t feel well” |
病院 | Byouin | “Hospital” |
靴を脱いで下さい | Kutsu wa nuide kudasai | “Please remove your shoes” (You may run into this when entering dressing rooms at clothing stores or when entering certain shrines and temples) |
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