How to Find Things to Do in a Travel Destination | Footsteps of a Dreamer

How to Find Things to Do in a Travel Destination

I don’t know about you, but for me, one of the most exciting parts of planning a trip is figuring out what amazing things my destination has to offer! However, for some that excitement can quickly turn to anxiety as the fear of missing out (FOMO) begins to set in? What if I get home from my trip and discover I missed going to this really amazing once-in-a-lifetime activity or spot in my destination? Check out all of these creative ways to find things to do in your destination so you don’t have to worry about missing out!

How to Find Time to Travel | Footsteps of a Dreamer

How to Find Time to Travel

The top two excuses people often give for why they don’t travel more are, “I don’t have the money to travel” and “I don’t have the time to travel.” Today, we’re going to tackle that second excuse and learn how to find time to travel!

Travel Hacks You Didn't Know You Needed | Footsteps of a Dreamer

Travel Hacks You Didn’t Know You Needed

Ever have those moments where you think to yourself, “I wish I would have known that months ago!” I do… a lot. Especially when it comes to travel. So, I got together with seasoned adventurers and travel bloggers to put together the ultimate list of travel hacks you didn’t know you needed!

Tips for Booking Cheap Accommodation | Footsteps of a Dreamer

Tips for Booking Cheap Accommodation

Depending on where you are traveling to, you may have a lot of different options for accommodations: cheap hostels, fancy hotels, apartments, bed and breakfasts, homestays, and everything in between! If you are looking to save some money on your next trip, check out these tips for booking cheap accommodation from travel bloggers!

Tips for Booking Flights | Footsteps of a Dreamer

Top Tips for Booking Flights

When it comes to travel, booking flights is often one of the most expensive parts of your trip. Depending on where you are going, flights can easily be a couple hundred dollars, or even a couple thousands of dollars. If dropping several hundred dollars isn’t stressful enough, flight prices are constantly changing. Booking too early or too late can make a big impact on what you end up paying for your flight. To make it all a bit less stressful, I reached out to some of my travel bloggers friends to get some of the top tips for booking flights!

Best Travel Credit Cards for Travelers | Footsteps of a Dreamer

Best Travel Credit Cards for Travel Lovers

I’ll admit that I’ve known travel credit cards existed for a long time, but didn’t know much about them. The only thing I knew was that you earned points for travel related purchases, but I also knew that most travel credit cards also had a yearly fee. In my mind, I just assumed that the yearly fee would just cancel out any of the rewards I earned unless I traveled a ridiculous amount. Sure, I travel more than your average Joe, but I still only travel two or three times a year. I didn’t think it would be enough to make travel credit cards worth it. However, the other day I sat down and did the math, comparing a total of 33 different travel credit cards with the credit card I had been using in the past and discovered that I was very wrong. Keep reading to discover some of the best travel credit cards and figure out which one is best for you!

Top Things to do in Page | Footsteps of a Dreamer

Top Things to do in Page, Arizona

Page is one of those towns that is often overshadowed by some of the other great attractions in the area such as the Grand Canyon and Zion National Park. However, Page ended up being one of my favorite destinations on our Arizona road trip. Find out all the top things to do in Page, Arizona and why you should visit!

Upper vs Lower Antelope Canyon plus Best Times to Visit Each | Footsteps of a Dreamer

Upper Vs Lower Antelope Canyon + Best Time to Visit Each

The Antelope Canyons were not only my favorite thing to do in Page, Arizona, but were also one of my favorite things throughout our whole Arizona road trip. There’s actually two canyons: Upper and Lower, and there are some pros and cons to each. Find out everything you need to know in order to decide between Upper vs Lower Antelope canyon as well as tour prices for each as details of our experiences.

Visiting Horseshoe Bend: Everything You Need to Know | Footsteps of a Dreamer

Visiting Horseshoe Bend: Everything You Need to Know

If you didn’t know already, Horseshoe Bend is one of the top things to do in Page, Arizona. As I’m sure you can guess by the name, this section of the Colorado River is shaped a bit like a horseshoe and is located at the bottom of a 1,000 foot deep canyon. Find out everything you need to know about visiting Horseshoe Bend, including the best time to visit, how to get there, and what to expect when you arrive.

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